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Four Ways to Overcome the Sunday Scaries

Four Ways to Overcome the Sunday Scaries

Living life in the fast line can be exhausting. When you are always going, it can be hard to shut down and give yourself time to unwind and decompress. Sundays are perfect days for decompressing after a long week of work and social activities. However, Sundays often bring another set of anxieties known as the ‘Sunday scaries.’ When you suffer from the Sunday scaries, you may w...

How Social Media Affects Our Mental Health

How Social Media Affects Our Mental Health

We are currently living in the digital age where many people spend their time scrolling and posting their daily lives and constant activity online. These updates can seem fake, as they are generally filtered and curated. They often give the allusion that life is perfect, despite the true challenges that are happening behind closed doors. Exposure to social media can actually have negative...

Four Ways to Cope with the Overwhelming Stress of Moving

Four Ways to Cope with the Overwhelming Stress of Moving

Moving to a new home, a new town, or a new state can be extremely stressful. There are many moving parts, quite literally. When you try to juggle all of these responsibilities without taking care of your mental health, your stress may start to eat away at you. As experts in anxiety counseling in Orlando, we can help you get through these tough life transitions with ease and grace. Althoug...

Four Ways You Can Be a Mental Health Advocate

Four Ways You Can Be a Mental Health Advocate

The best way to beat the stigma is to be a part of the solution. As the stigma of mental health seems to fade over the years, it is still a present part of our society. When it comes to access to mental health resources, some people are resistant to take part because of the stigma or the shame that seems to surround mental health, even today. Even with access to counseling in Windermere, ...

Four Tips to Overcome Grief and Start Living in the New “Normal”

Four Tips to Overcome Grief and Start Living in the New “Normal”

After losing a loved one, it can be overwhelming to even think about returning to your everyday routine without them next to you. When you lose someone close to you, it may seem like your entire world is frozen in time. Finding your way back to a routine may seem impossible. As a therapist in Windermere, we understand the difficulties that devastating loss can have on your life. These are...

Why You Should Walk to Boost Your Mental Health

Why You Should Walk to Boost Your Mental Health

We’ve all likely heard that exercise gives us endorphins, but do you know the benefits that endorphins have on your mental health? Endorphins release a feel-good chemical into your brain that give you a boost of confidence, clarity, and positivity. When you are feeling down or having a particularly difficult day, you should consider taking a walk. A 30-minute walk can truly change y...

The Psychology of working Sales

The Psychology of working Sales

When it comes to working in the sales industry, there is a psychological component connected to the need for external validation of the success of a sale. This bridges in where the person who is the sales representative is now allowing the customer to control how they will think and feel about themselves. Individual therapists in Orlando suggest that when an individual places a ...

Therapy for the modern salesperson

Therapy for the modern salesperson

When it comes to working full time, a common job is a sales job. While it can be one of the most proficient and lucrative careers, it can also be one that taxes the mental health state of an individual by bringing on job stress, work anxiety, and obsessive tendencies. Career therapists and individual therapists in Orlando have noted that the majority of people in the sales field struggle ...

The emotional impact of memories

The emotional impact of memories

An individual’s memories, as suggested by individual therapists in Orlando can hold intense and impactful emotions. Such memories can be triggered by an event or an individual who turns an abstract memory into a tangible experience. When this happens, the individual needs a system or a way of coping with the memories and not allowing them to become the current state of mind. ...

Generate positive thoughts about your relationship

Generate positive thoughts about your relationship

Individual therapists in Orlando often tend to refer to the humanity and individualism somebody has. No two people will ever be alike and, in fact, the only thing that connects all people together is the fact that they are human. Now, how does this individualism come into play when in a relationship? Simple! When with one’s partner, there needs to be an emphasis on generat...

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Rise above any circumstance, for GROWTH, EMPOWERMENT, and better QUALITY of life!
Call today for more information. Follow Orlando Thrive on Facebook or Instagram.

(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.