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How To Prepare for The Empty Nest

How To Prepare for The Empty Nest

Empty nesting is something that couple’s therapists in Dr. Phillips are noting as one main reason why parents are beginning couple’s therapy in Dr. Phillips. An empty nest refers to the feelings that parents feel when their children leave the home for either career, school, or living on their own. It is a feeling that some parents dread while others look forward to it. Neverth...

Online Dating and Internet Friendships

Online Dating and Internet Friendships

Learning how to deal with online dating and form new relationships from social media is a reality of living in the twenty-first century. More relationships are built online now than ever before and relying only on face-to-face meetings is long becoming a thing of the past. Building friendships and navigating relationships from social media or online outlets can be fun and engaging as long...

Scoping the lens of anxiety

Scoping the lens of anxiety

Are you struggling with anxiety and looking for ways to feel better? You are not alone. Anxiety is something that we all face and it can warp and change your reality into seeing a lot of bad and not a lot of good. One of the hardest things we can do is to scope the lens of anxiety when it is activated. Dr. Phillips anxiety therapists utilize skills and techniques to understand what trigge...

Mental Health Impacts on Gut Health

Mental Health Impacts on Gut Health

Mental health distress can wreak havoc on your physical health. Many mental health clients who seek Dr. Phillip's anxiety therapy report Gastrointestinal problems. Symptoms related to poor gut health are becoming more commonly associated with anxious individuals than ever before. It is true that quite often gastrointestinal distress can be attributed to physical reasons such as food i...

The Grey Area Between Anxiety and ADHD, Especially in Women

The Grey Area Between Anxiety and ADHD, Especially in Women

When we think of ADHD, we think of the young boy who couldn't sit still or that was disruptive in class. What ADHD looks like in young women, especially adult women, continues to be revealed and discussed in different ways than typically viewed before. Starting from a young age, ADHD in girls looks more inattentive, which makes it easier to overlook. Young girls hyperfocus o...

The timed hobbies list

The timed hobbies list

Individual therapists in Orlando suggest that it is important for every person to have a hobby or some form of self-care that they can indulge in. When setting boundaries about what this can be, a hobby-according to individual therapists in Orlando-needs to foster the overall growth of their basic needs. In most often cases, individuals are aiming to fulfill their fun basic needs which ca...

Visualization of Catastrophe

Visualization of Catastrophe

Visualization in individual therapy in Dr. Phillips can be a very powerful tool to improve the livelihood of the person. Therapists in Dr. Phillips use this skill to vastly improve the performance of the clients that come and see them. However, individuals tend to do visualization much more than they realize, it just comes off as a different perception and realization. ...

Finding Your Worth In Career Counseling

Finding Your Worth In Career Counseling

Career counselors in Orlando use specific interventions when working with individuals on career goals, job loss, burn-out, or career-related counseling goals. One major area to tackle is self-worth and establishing your core value as it relates to your career role. Career counselors have made therapeutic strides in working with individuals on discovering their value and self-worth in thei...

The Gratitude Attitude

The Gratitude Attitude

The gratitude attitude. Individual therapists in Dr. Phillips have begun to utilize this rhythmic phrase in their mental health therapy sessions to improve the lives of their clients. The question that most present is what does this phrase mean? On the surface, it means that one’s attitude should be correlated with feeling grateful for what was given to them and what was presented t...

Is It Too Late for Marriage Counseling?

Is It Too Late for Marriage Counseling?

Before deciding to get help with their marital problems, most spouses wonder if it's too late for counseling to benefit their relationship. They've reached rock bottom and may be considering giving up on their relationship entirely. If you're in the same situation, it's crucial for you and your spouse to recognize that therapy can save the majority of relationships. It'...

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Rise above any circumstance, for GROWTH, EMPOWERMENT, and better QUALITY of life!
Call today for more information. Follow Orlando Thrive on Facebook or Instagram.

(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.