Relationship Therapy

Couple watching sunset

Relationship therapy at its core is designed to repair connections that have been lost in intimate relationships. These connections have a deep impact on the foundation of your relationship and ultimately yourself. Throughout your relationship therapy process you can expect for us to cover the groundwork it will take to Repair, Reframe, Rebuild, and Restructure the foundation of your relationship.

Your first appointment will be an assessment and evaluation of what you have identified as the core issues. We will develop a plan that will be the best for your presenting concerns. Most often this includes a combination of a minimum number of joint sessions and some individual therapy support too.


The Repair work needed for a healthy relationship begins by accepting that the journey will not just be about the two of you. The repair work will also be largely dependent on your willingness to grow within yourself. A healthy relationship does not thrive where there is blaming and fault finding or the need to make sure that someone is viewed as “right” or “wrong.” A healthy relationship prospers when each individual person is aware of what they contribute to the relationship and how their own perceptions positively or negatively influence the dynamic. This is an intense process which involves much healing. Take reassurance in knowing that the work we are doing together has been experienced by many other’s that have successfully walked this journey before you.


To Reframe a relationship means maximizing the strengths that currently existwhile beginning to add in the new framework. The new framework is gathered from the information that being a Level 3 certified couples therapy expert offers to that has been gathered about successful couples by Dr. John and Dr. Julie Gottman. We will be working together with precision and focus to reframe the house of your relationship, your core self, and the interactions that you have with each other. This process will be a highly interactive and rewarding experience.

Relationship Therapy


Relationship therapy often requires a person or a couple to Rebuild an entirely new foundation. This process can mean that you might need to grieve the old relationship and the expectations you had about your future. You may find yourself in a place where you need to start from scratch, stripping down to the core of what brought you together. This Rebuild is often needed for couples and people who have experienced a significant trauma, life change, or breach in trust. You can be confident that there is hope for you and rebuilding requires listening to your heart and your intuition along this journey. You may even feel like the past is too painful to overcome. As we explore what it feels like to “let go,” you will be supported every step of the way with gentle, reassuring guidance towards the right path for you.


Within your relationship, and your relationship within yourself, you are now entering a state of Restructure and healthy support. Your foundation will continue to be growing more solid every step of the way. You will be using the skills and knowledge that you have learned about each other and yourselves outside of sessions. The house within which your relationship is founded now knows which areas to remain conscious of to nurture for ongoing health, longevity and continued strength. Not only will your therapist be bringing to you the experience that has been taught to them through years of practicing with couples, but also through invaluable resources. These resources are from evidence-based research tools developed by The Gottman’s who have studied successful couples over multiple decades. Our goal will always be to make sure that what you both are learning is implementable and has been proven to work for thousands of couples who have come before you.

How long does it take for relationship therapy to work?

Couple sunset silhouette
The time you spend with me in therapy is based largely on the following things:
  • Intensity of your circumstance
  • If trust has been damaged
  • If problems have persisted for a long time
  • If there is issues of substance use or other addictions
  • Past wounds that have not been healed or processed
  • Your willingness to commit to change yourself, your relationship, and your life during our sessions and between them.
  • Using the new techniques which I recommend to you, either through action or behaviors, and completing the suggested self-help assignments.

Relationship Help

Relationship Therapy

In relationship therapy, our relationship counseling experts use a variety of techniques that are designed to enhance your connection to each other and to yourself. We do not believe that there is a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. We have developed a unique approach over the years that we have been working with couples and we are excited to share what we know with you. There is nothing more rewarding in life than to have healthy, satisfying, happy relationships with one another and with ourselves. When that exists, then we become more evolved and connected within every aspect of our lives. There is a greater sense of purpose and meaning which has been proven to foster longevity of life. It is the difference between just surviving, and actually thriving.

Contact us by calling (407) 592-8997 today or emailing to find out more. We welcome a chance to talk more with you and to encourage you to thrive more in every area of your life.

Relationship Therapy

Call Us For More Information

(407) 592-8997

Monday-Friday: 8am–8pm

Same Day/Week and Weekend Appointments May Be Available.

Offices located in Downtown Orlando, Winter Park, and Dr. Phillips.