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Serotonin: A Release like no other!

Serotonin: A Release like no other!

In Women's therapy Orlando, women seeking help with stress often ask for different ways they can become relaxed or reduce the level of stress in their life. If you are a woman feeling anxiety, learning how to relax can sound easy, but might be something you struggle with. For some reason, the idea of trying to become relaxed is very foreign to being human.  This wasn&...

Orlando Therapist vs Orlando Life Coach

What's the difference?

Orlando Therapist vs Orlando Life Coach

An Orlando life coach is someone whom you come to for advice on how to navigate the twists and turns that life can give you. Being a life coach isn't something just anyone should claim to be capable of. Training, education, skillset, background, and even life experience should all play a role in how to find an Orlando life coach.  It is also important when you are see...

Psychosomatic Symptoms: What Are They?

Psychosomatic Symptoms: What Are They?

Oftentimes, we have clients seeking mental health counseling in Winter Garden for anxiety, help with worrying too much, or how to stop overthinking. Normally these are symptoms that uncover other underlying causes such as trauma or depression. That is why it is important to not suffer from anxiety or suffer from depression alone. Getting help from a mental health counselor in ...

Defining ME in Mental Energy

Defining ME in Mental Energy

One thing I love about being an Orlando counselor is being able to create new ideas that I can implement into my practice and benefit the well-being of my clients. Two mental health counseling theories that I use in my practice are choice theory and reality therapy.  These two techniques used by me as an Orlando counselor bring awareness and understanding to the choices t...

Four Steps for Women to Improve Self-Esteem

Four Steps for Women to Improve Self-Esteem

In today's world, there are constant pressures to possess traits that make us stand out from one another.  Women, in particular, are targets of the pressures of society to juggle many different roles, and do so with effortless elegance.  This can cause a large amount of stress and anxiety that can diminish one's self-esteem.  When women are always trying...

How to Handle Friends with Different Political Views

How to Handle Friends with Different Political Views

Do you and your friends have differing political views that find their way into conversations?  Has there been conflict surrounding the different political opinions in your social circle?  With a bipartisan government, many people take their stance on opposing sides, which can cause rifts in friendships.  When you work on your acceptance and tolerance with a cou...

Four Tips for Managing Your Stress

Four Tips for Managing Your Stress

Have you been battling stress related to your professional life?  Do you struggle with stress management in your personal life also?  When you are riddled by stress, you may have difficulty finding the motivation to perform at your fullest potential.  This can hinder your ability to do your job or even just find joy in everyday life.  As professionals in an...

How to Handle Difficult or Disagreeable Family Members during the Holidays

How to Handle Difficult or Disagreeable Family Members during the Holidays

The holidays are around the corner.  For some people, this brings up many festive feelings, but others may have different feelings stirring.  Holiday get-togethers can be stressful for those that need to deal with difficult family members or complicated family relationships.  Instead of bringing us joy, they can stir up negative emotions that lead to stress, anx...

Four Keys to a Establishing a Stronger Relationship than Ever Before

Four Keys to a Establishing a Stronger Relationship than Ever Before

Are you looking for ways to strengthen your bond with your partner?  Do you want to have a strong relationship that lasts long and focuses on mutual respect?  Having a strong relationship takes work and constant effort.  When you put the work in both by yourself and with your partner, you can have a relationship that is stronger than ever.  Our counselor in...

Visualization Techniques for Anxiety Counseling

Visualization Techniques for Anxiety Counseling

How to stop anxiety is one of the most searched terms on the internet. Anxiety counseling on yourself is hard when you are not aware of natural ways to stop anxiety attacks or the underlying causes of anxiety. One technique that Orlando anxiety counselors use in their sessions is visualization. This is just one of the most effective ways to stop anxiety but can be hard when yo...

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Rise above any circumstance, for GROWTH, EMPOWERMENT, and better QUALITY of life!
Call today for more information. Follow Orlando Thrive on Facebook or Instagram.

(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.